A high-pressure gas pipeline through the Scenic Rim: a main line which threatens to open up the entire Scenic Rim to a massive expansion in coal seam gas production. Development of a high-pressure gas pipeline through the Scenic Rim has progressed to planning application stage, with resource company Metgasco submitting details of the project to the New South Wales government for approval. The 145 kilometre line will connect gaslands in northern New South Wales with the planned Bromelton Industrial Estate and Swanbank power station near Ipswich. Experts believe gas companies, active in the Scenic Rim, will also use the pipeline to export gas from our area. In similar situations elsewhere, this has involved a network extensive feeder pipelines, noisy 24-hour compressor stations and trucks to transport gas from areas not serviced by pipelines. ![]() (coal seam gas pipelines and access roads in the Tara area) Serious concerns have
also been raised about the impact on agricultural land and farm operations in
the Christmas Creek Valley, residential areas to the north of Beaudesert and the
World Heritage Border Ranges National Park. The pipeline involves clearing a 30 metre wide
corridor and will require numerous service roads, impacting on some landowner’s
ability to work their creek flat paddocks.
For more information
about Metgasco’s plans and more detailed mapping, you can download their
planning application from the New South Wales Government Planning website.
What you can do NOW! ...Please don't underestimate your contribution. You can be the difference! 1. Get informed ...With more than 80% of our shire being considered for coal mining and coal seam gas wells, it’s important to know your options if you are approached by a mining company. Join our group, come along to one of our information sessions or become at Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic Face Book fan. 2. Get a sign up![]() They're durable, all-weather and available in two sizes. Email your address and contact details or call 5544 8070 to get yours. Bumper stickers available too! 3. Join the email list Join the Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic email list and keep up to date with the campaign. 4. Help spread the word Tell people what's going on and get them involved. Can you help with handing out information? Have time to help in any other way? Email us to offer help or ask us to talk to your group.
5. Donate to the campaign Every cent you donate helps the campaign, and a one-off donation of any amount is appreciated. If you have the means, you may wish to help us with a regular contribution. You can donate via direct deposit, EFT, cheque or money order, or help us with fundraising.
Direct Deposit or EFT Account Name: BOSS (please reference KTSRS) Bank Name: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633 000 Account number: 133 633 826
Cheque or money order Cheques and money orders can be made out to ‘BOSS' and posted to: Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic 1093 Upper Logan Rd Mt Barney, QLD 4287
Links & Resources Lock The Gate: A national alliance of 90 community, industry and environmental groups fighting CSG. VIDEO: ABC Four Corners: Investigative documentary on coal seam gas mining and the cost to farmers and the environment. VIDEO: Ch9 60 Minutes - Undermined: "It's happening in our backyard. And it's our laws and our politicians who are letting it happen." Gasland Australia: See the trailer for the Oscar nominated documentary, plus the latest news on CSG.
Statements and opinions contained on this website are given in good faith. In the preparation of this information, Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic has relied on information including resource company reports (available on-line), resource company and Queensland Government websites, as well as numerous other sources. We believe, on reasonable grounds, this information is reliable and not misleading, however, we are aware the resource industry is constantly changing, as are company structures and ownerships. We strongly advise you also do your own research into all coal seam gas and coal related issues and draw your own conclusions from all information available.